Sunday, June 30, 2013

Yeah! (Again)

I have the case of "the yeahs" again!! In maybe a half a hour my family and I are going to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin!!!! We go there every 4th of July (we stay for a week) and we have fun! once when my mom and I were asleep, my brother snuck out of the hotel room in his pajamas and rand all around the hotel! It was funny when the security came to us... bye...

Saturday, June 29, 2013


                                                Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

I just got back from my sleepover/ six flags!!! It was awesome, I went on the Viper, backwards!! We went on the Tornado slide, we went in the wave pool, and of course roller coasters!! AHHHH!!!!!! Sorry. By the time we had the sleepover, we were exhausted! We didn't get up 'till 8:45!!
The Viper

Thursday, June 27, 2013

SUMMER!!! Finally!

Yes yes yes yes yes and yes!! Summer has begun! (Even though I got out of school 3 days ago...) Anyways, I'm heading off to Six Flags tommorrow with my friends and NO PARENTS!!! Ahhhh!!!! Sorry, sometimes I get too crazy...
A slide I really want to go on!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Super Saturday!

Hey!!! Today is going to be EPIC!!! First of all, my last day of school is in like, 2 days!!! And, it's Saturday!! I am doing way to much exclamation points aren't I... Anyway, I'm also seeing Monsters University with my friend Stella! Bye- bye!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I LOVE Little Mix!!

                             I LOVE Little Mix!!

Little Mix is my new favorite band!!! Their music is amazing! And their British! Who doesn't love a British band!? So, just listening to their song "Always Be Together". My favorite song by them is "Pretend It's OK". Remember, check them out!

Their newest album

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Stanley Cup!

Hey guys, I'm just watching The Stanley Cup on the couch. You know, normal stuff. I know what you are thinking, "She is obviously rooting for the Black Hawks!" But no!! Well, really my dad loves the Boston Bruins so I'm just going along with him. Noah will be so upset tomorrow when he finds out Boston won! HAHAHA!!!!