Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Link PARTY!!

                                  Link Party!!!!!!

Yo, my people! Here are some of my favorite links! Click any one, I won't care! So um, you going to click yet?

Look: Clothes!

Look: Animals!

Look: Photos!

Look: Music!

Look: Rotofugi!


Monday, May 27, 2013

You HAVE to love animals!!

                                      Love your pets!

Yeah, I'm telling you to love your pets because then, they'll love you back! Well, um, it's pretty simple. Just look at these adorable faces!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hello, freaks!

I just feel like calling you a freak, don't worry, I don't mean it. Anyway, my friend Noah has a YouTube channel and you should check it out! So, goodbye freaks of America! And remember, YouTube ROCKS!!!

Look: Noah's channel


What I want to know is why! Like why is there a statue of Grant in Lincoln Park and a statue of Lincoln in Grant Park! Maybe it's just telling us that Grant and Lincoln switched bodies just like one of those Disney Channel sitcoms, right? Oh, so I guess next they'll say like, "This is freaky..."

Sunday, May 19, 2013



So, I'm Emma, you probably know me from YouTube, if not, CHECK IT OUT!!! And I got to LaSalle Language Academy! I'm going to show you my favorite picture for like, no reason...
I LOVE dogs

P.S. I am also a contributor to: Kids Can Get Fit!