Monday, September 2, 2013

Giselle's birthday!

Hey guys! Judging by the title, you might know that I went to one of my best friends b-day! It was so much fun! First we went to Lifetime fitness and went swimming and rock climbing! When we were swimming we went down water slides, did tricks, and played Marco Polo! Then, we dried off and got our clothes on. We went to the education room and ate sushi, pizza, and cake! Yum! After that we went to the rock climbing room and well, climbed! I climbed 4 walls and finished 2! After a lot of fun, we went home, grabbed our sleepover bags, took a shower, and took a 5 minute drive to Giselle's house! We played some games, had doughnut holes, ate ice cream with caffeine in it, and like a lot of hours later we went to Giselle's room with like 5 other girls and slept (maybe)! We passed notes an played on Giselle's computer. But, it was to hot up there so we moved downstairs, played more games, and then went to bed. In the morning we mad crepes filled them with Nutella and marshmallows, and had some eggs. We painted and cut down a tree! (for girl scouts). Well, this winter I'm starting Girl Scouts. Then, we went home. BYEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

T- Swizzle

INCOMING!!!! Check out the best music video ever!!! Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran Everything has Changed! 

Back 2 School!

OMG!!! School starts in about 2 days!!! My favorite thing I got for school is a notebook with 2 popsicles split in half saying "We are never ever ever getting back together" HAHAHA!!! Hilarious. And I got an awesome haircut! BOOM!!!! Anyways, I got the teacher I wanted!!! (Ms. Cavoto)! And a lot of my friends are in my class! Including THE AWESOME AMAZING ALICE!!!! (One of my best friends). Well, byeeee!!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been blogging in a while! You know who summer gets, BUSY!! So anyway, Wisconsin was so much fun! I went swimming A LOT!! And on July 30th me and my family went to Michigan and saw my grandparents, my aunt, and her 2 Chihuahuas! Josie and I stayed for 8 days and the rest of my family stayed for 2 days. Oh and my friends from Tennessee Andrea and James just left from a 4 day vacation in Chicago! (They start school on Monday!) We all went to the Taylor Swift Red concert and made posters! Well, Ciao for now!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Yeah! (Again)

I have the case of "the yeahs" again!! In maybe a half a hour my family and I are going to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin!!!! We go there every 4th of July (we stay for a week) and we have fun! once when my mom and I were asleep, my brother snuck out of the hotel room in his pajamas and rand all around the hotel! It was funny when the security came to us... bye...

Saturday, June 29, 2013


                                                Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

I just got back from my sleepover/ six flags!!! It was awesome, I went on the Viper, backwards!! We went on the Tornado slide, we went in the wave pool, and of course roller coasters!! AHHHH!!!!!! Sorry. By the time we had the sleepover, we were exhausted! We didn't get up 'till 8:45!!
The Viper

Thursday, June 27, 2013

SUMMER!!! Finally!

Yes yes yes yes yes and yes!! Summer has begun! (Even though I got out of school 3 days ago...) Anyways, I'm heading off to Six Flags tommorrow with my friends and NO PARENTS!!! Ahhhh!!!! Sorry, sometimes I get too crazy...
A slide I really want to go on!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Super Saturday!

Hey!!! Today is going to be EPIC!!! First of all, my last day of school is in like, 2 days!!! And, it's Saturday!! I am doing way to much exclamation points aren't I... Anyway, I'm also seeing Monsters University with my friend Stella! Bye- bye!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I LOVE Little Mix!!

                             I LOVE Little Mix!!

Little Mix is my new favorite band!!! Their music is amazing! And their British! Who doesn't love a British band!? So, just listening to their song "Always Be Together". My favorite song by them is "Pretend It's OK". Remember, check them out!

Their newest album

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Stanley Cup!

Hey guys, I'm just watching The Stanley Cup on the couch. You know, normal stuff. I know what you are thinking, "She is obviously rooting for the Black Hawks!" But no!! Well, really my dad loves the Boston Bruins so I'm just going along with him. Noah will be so upset tomorrow when he finds out Boston won! HAHAHA!!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Link PARTY!!

                                  Link Party!!!!!!

Yo, my people! Here are some of my favorite links! Click any one, I won't care! So um, you going to click yet?

Look: Clothes!

Look: Animals!

Look: Photos!

Look: Music!

Look: Rotofugi!


Monday, May 27, 2013

You HAVE to love animals!!

                                      Love your pets!

Yeah, I'm telling you to love your pets because then, they'll love you back! Well, um, it's pretty simple. Just look at these adorable faces!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hello, freaks!

I just feel like calling you a freak, don't worry, I don't mean it. Anyway, my friend Noah has a YouTube channel and you should check it out! So, goodbye freaks of America! And remember, YouTube ROCKS!!!

Look: Noah's channel


What I want to know is why! Like why is there a statue of Grant in Lincoln Park and a statue of Lincoln in Grant Park! Maybe it's just telling us that Grant and Lincoln switched bodies just like one of those Disney Channel sitcoms, right? Oh, so I guess next they'll say like, "This is freaky..."

Sunday, May 19, 2013



So, I'm Emma, you probably know me from YouTube, if not, CHECK IT OUT!!! And I got to LaSalle Language Academy! I'm going to show you my favorite picture for like, no reason...
I LOVE dogs

P.S. I am also a contributor to: Kids Can Get Fit!